What If My Baby Won’T Burp After Feeding

As a new parent, you may worry a lot. When baby doesn’t burp, it can scare you. Let’s learn why this happens.

What If My Baby Won'T Burp After Feeding

Credit: www.yaybaby.co.za

Why Do Babies Need to Burp?

Babies swallow air when they eat. This air can make them feel bad. A burp helps get this air out.

When Should Your Baby Burp?

Burping can happen during or after feeding. Some babies burp quickly, but others take time.

What If My Baby Won'T Burp After Feeding

Credit: www.pampers.com

What to Do if Your Baby Doesn’t Burp

  1. Try Different Burping Positions: Hold baby different ways to help burp.
  2. Stay Patient: Sometimes, burping takes a bit longer. No rush!
  3. Gentle Movements: Gently move your baby. It can help the burp come.
  4. Check Baby’s Comfort: Make sure baby is comfy and not too tight in clothes.

Different Burping Methods

Position How to Do It
Over the Shoulder Hold baby against your chest. Pat their back gently.
Sitting Up Keep baby’s chest against yours. Support their head and pat the back.
Laying Across Your Lap Lay baby face down on your lap. Pat or rub their back softly.

What Not to Worry About

  • Not all babies need to burp after every meal.
  • If your baby seems happy, they are likely okay.
  • Some babies swallow less air, so burping is less needed.

When to See a Doctor

Here are signs that baby might need a doctor:

  • If baby seems very upset or in pain.
  • If baby won’t eat or is eating much less.
  • If baby throws up a lot or has trouble pooping.

Frequently Asked Questions For What If My Baby Won’t Burp After Feeding

Is Burping A Baby Always Necessary?

Burping is often recommended to help reduce discomfort from gas, but it’s not always necessary if the baby seems content.

What If Baby Won’t Burp And Is Fussy?

Try gentle movements like walking or bouncing after feeding. If fussiness continues despite not burping, consult a pediatrician.

How Long Should I Try To Burp My Baby?

Try burping your baby for a few minutes. If there’s no burp after 5-10 minutes, it’s okay to stop and observe the baby.

Can Burping Too Hard Hurt The Baby?

Burping your baby should be gentle. Using too much force can cause discomfort or potential harm, so always be soft and pat lightly.

Are There Signs My Baby Needs To Burp?

Common signs include squirming, fussiness during or after feeding, and appearing uncomfortable. If noticed, try burping your little one.

What Alternative Burping Methods Can I Use?

You could switch between different positions like over-the-shoulder or sitting on your lap, or try laying the baby on their belly for a moment.

When Should I Worry About Baby Not Burping?

If your baby regularly seems uncomfortable after feedings or has other symptoms like vomiting or weight loss, seek advice from a healthcare provider.


Parents, don’t worry if baby doesn’t burp every time. Try different ways to help them. If they are happy, all is likely well!

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